Tamarind (Asam gelugur)

Tamarind is often used in a variety of recipes like laksa, a spicy tamarind and traditional recipes that require sour taste
Tamarind is often used in a variety of recipes like laksa, a spicy tamarind and traditional recipes that require sour taste. Citrus taste unique splines can stimulate appetite. Corrugated leaves are young and reddish color often also used as a side dish and flavor in recipes side dishes.

Tamarind fruit is crushed into powder together other ingredients or soaked in vinegar and applied on a woman's body after childbirth to restore the body shape as before pregnancy.

Dried fruit pieces are used to lose weight, fight obesity and lowering cholesterol levels.
Leaf juice taken after childbirth to wash the vaginal area and to reduce blood pressure.
Leaves and roots are used to treat an ear ache. The leaves and the fruit is crushed into powder and paste on belly women after childbirth.