Bears or name Phyllanthus acidus its science is one of the commonly used citrus fruit. Of course a lot of women out there who kecur saliva is mentioned about pickles.
The fruits are yellow to attract anyone who looked at him. However, if when you eat of course frowned deck because of the taste foulness.
Other uses of this fruit tree or unsure of my own. Maybe the leaves of this tree have its own usefulness. If we follow the leaf it bears no reference its own usefulness for treating cough, weight loss and so on. Maybe some of your own tips .. Shared hope.
Tamarind (Asam gelugur)
Tamarind is often used in a variety of recipes like laksa, a spicy tamarind and traditional recipes that require sour taste. Citrus taste unique splines can stimulate appetite. Corrugated leaves are young and reddish color often also used as a side dish and flavor in recipes side dishes.
Tamarind fruit is crushed into powder together other ingredients or soaked in vinegar and applied on a woman's body after childbirth to restore the body shape as before pregnancy.
Dried fruit pieces are used to lose weight, fight obesity and lowering cholesterol levels.
Leaf juice taken after childbirth to wash the vaginal area and to reduce blood pressure.
Leaves and roots are used to treat an ear ache. The leaves and the fruit is crushed into powder and paste on belly women after childbirth.
Tamarind fruit is crushed into powder together other ingredients or soaked in vinegar and applied on a woman's body after childbirth to restore the body shape as before pregnancy.
Dried fruit pieces are used to lose weight, fight obesity and lowering cholesterol levels.
Leaf juice taken after childbirth to wash the vaginal area and to reduce blood pressure.
Leaves and roots are used to treat an ear ache. The leaves and the fruit is crushed into powder and paste on belly women after childbirth.
Garcinia hombroniana
Tree can is a plant found in the wild in ASEAN countries to another. Botanical name Garcinia hombroniana. Place called Beruas located in Silver is derived from this tree ..
According wapedia, Beruas town comes from an area called vert honeycomb. Bush honeycomb is composed of an area called Mill Village. Due to the construction Beruas Town, Village Mill was divided into two, one is facing Taiping Road and another area to Ulu Beruas.
According wapedia, Beruas town comes from an area called vert honeycomb. Bush honeycomb is composed of an area called Mill Village. Due to the construction Beruas Town, Village Mill was divided into two, one is facing Taiping Road and another area to Ulu Beruas.
Baccaurea angulata
Leatherback forest or reliable scientific name Baccaurea angulata abound in Borneo. Some even refer to it by name Uchong and some refer to it as Tampoi Leatherback. In the Peninsula, it was there buried in SPK Hulu Paka Terengganu as storage of genetic resources. I'm not sure whether the other parts of the peninsula have planted or not.
If by reference, starfruit same forest as Tampoi of producing fruit in the trunk or in major branches. The point also can grow to a height of 8 meters. It is said of this fruit are widely sold in Sabah / Sarawak. I never felt that this fruit once. Sour-sour fruit taste sweet.
Other uses of this I'm not sure. Perhaps it was also used in dishes such as bamboo starfruit. If you've never seen or tasted this fruit diharaplah little share your experience.
If by reference, starfruit same forest as Tampoi of producing fruit in the trunk or in major branches. The point also can grow to a height of 8 meters. It is said of this fruit are widely sold in Sabah / Sarawak. I never felt that this fruit once. Sour-sour fruit taste sweet.
Other uses of this I'm not sure. Perhaps it was also used in dishes such as bamboo starfruit. If you've never seen or tasted this fruit diharaplah little share your experience.
Fruit Belimbing Buluh
Leatherback Bamboo Fruit (Belimbing Buluh) oval and elongated. Yellowish green in color. Each fruit has 4-5 hump invisible. When cooked, soft flesh and contain a lot of water and it tastes sour. Even so, it remains a favorite of children who eat it with fine salt.
Leatherback Bamboo Fruit actually contains a lot of nutrients that are invaluable. The leaves when finely ground and dilumur, it can get rid of acne and soften the skin on the face, joint pains and rashes. if boiled, it can cure cough, lowering high blood pressure and dizziness.
In addition, to get rid of a cough, a handful of mixed flowers Bamboo Leatherback little pennywort juice that has been pounded, 2 red onion and 1 stick of cinnamon pinkie. Then boiled and filtered water is boiled. Then drink by mixing a little honey. Drink a glass, three times a day.
For those suffering from diseases such as hypertension, the pick 3 Leatherback Bamboo seeds. Cut small and boiled. Boiling drinking water after breakfast every day. For babies who attacked jaundice were washed with boiled water starfruit leaves and pacified.
Mangifera pajang

Fruit Bambangan have several sizes and shapes. Some medium-sized (round shape) and some large (oval shape). Said a fruit weight can reach 3-4 kg each.
Bambangan brown rind, forcing many of Binjai suppose. Bambangan slightly thicker rind when compared with other types of genus Mangifera (mango). To mengupasnya've got the means. Pulp color makes this really interesting you could not wait to taste it.
This fruit smell like fruit distant. It tastes too sour, sweet and sour fruit seemed distant. For some people say the fruit is far more delicious than fruit distant.
Normally, young fruit including the skin and seeds can be pickled or grated and mixed with shrimp paste or even made studs. The fruit is ripe delicious dash of salt and chili.
Fruit Avocado
Fruit Avocado or Persea americana its science name that comes from the Lauraceae family is a fruit that has many different shapes according to place and country. Some are round, long, oval and so on .. Jika avocado fruit that you see above are from Sabah, under the avocado fruits is also much planted in the peninsula. By reference to this fruit comes from subtropical climates. If in the West, it is difficult find this fruit on sale. I used to find it on sale at the Chow Kit by sellers from Indonesia. In addition, there are also some restaurants that make a juice drink mixed with milk.
Let me tell you a little bit of this nutritional fruit. A huge avocado contains about 300 calories and rich in protein, iron calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, and potassium soldium. Practices eat avocados every day is believed to lower cholesterol while maintaining levels of lipoproteins, the good kind of cholesterol to prevent a person from a heart attack. Avocados are rich in riboflavin Isi also effective to restore freshness and smoothness of skin and dry skin problems. In addition, it is also a natural lubricant for the joints allow bones to move freely, especially in the neck, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles next penyaki prevent bone aches.
Normal to eat your avocado fruit? I do not know how to eat well made juice. If eaten fresh, it is for me not tasty. Maybe you are originating from Sabah or have ever planted trees can share something.
Let me tell you a little bit of this nutritional fruit. A huge avocado contains about 300 calories and rich in protein, iron calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, and potassium soldium. Practices eat avocados every day is believed to lower cholesterol while maintaining levels of lipoproteins, the good kind of cholesterol to prevent a person from a heart attack. Avocados are rich in riboflavin Isi also effective to restore freshness and smoothness of skin and dry skin problems. In addition, it is also a natural lubricant for the joints allow bones to move freely, especially in the neck, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles next penyaki prevent bone aches.
Normal to eat your avocado fruit? I do not know how to eat well made juice. If eaten fresh, it is for me not tasty. Maybe you are originating from Sabah or have ever planted trees can share something.
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