Senduduk Putih

Senduduk Putih / White and shrubs are a plant that is hard to find, unlike the purple shrubs that grow wild everywhere. Senduduk Putih especially the purple flowering weeds are also categorized in the group as it grows in the garden area and should be liquidated. Many states Senduduk Putih rare and it has its nutritional. There are those who believe it can cure breast cancer, cure joint pain, sinusitis cure, and also be able to cure snake.
Senduduk Putih / White and shrubs are a plant that is hard to find, unlike the purple shrubs that grow wild everywhere. Senduduk Putih especially the purple flowering weeds are also categorized in the group as it grows in the garden area and should be liquidated. Many states Senduduk Putih rare and it has its nutritional. There are those who believe it can cure breast cancer, cure joint pain, sinusitis cure, and also be able to cure snake.

Besides, it also can be believed to be a cure as white women and menstrual blood does not stop. Interestingly about nutrition for the plant is also said to cure it of children with speech problems (slow can talk). The extent to which these practices are not sure dipratikkan my own. If you have experience with this plant in the hope to share.