Abiu (Pouteria caimito Radlk) is a type of evergreen plant that belongs to the family Sapotaceae. lt comes from the Amazon lowlands in Brazil and is now widespread in South America and Central America. In Sabah was first cultivated crops in the Agricultural Research Station, Tenom in 1984 as one of the fruits janaplasma collection of statements to potential overseas developed.
Abiu is a medium sized tree with height can reach up to 10 meters. The leaves are arranged in alternating (alternate), either shaped or elliptic obovat, size 10-20 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. The flowers are hermaphrodite type, white and out of the leaf aksil either singly or in clusters of 2-5 blooms per cluster. Young fruit is green, elliptic or round shaped, smooth skinned and sometimes have 'Nipple' short underneath the fruit, the fruit stalk is short and contains a lot of sticky liquid. Ripe fruit is yellow shiny and less sticky. Cream white flesh, juicy, delicate texture and mild, sweet, fragrant aroma, slightly rubbery and contain 1-4 seeds are black and oblong shaped.
Abiu can be propagated either by seed or vegetative breeding. Type the appropriate vegetative breeding done is wedge grafting or canruman side. The inoculated seedlings can be planted vegetatively way to farm 4-5 months after the merge. The seeds should be sown as soon as possible abiu (1-2 days) to ensure good growth. Inoculated seedlings from seed can be planted into the field when you reach the age of 6-8 months after sowing. Trees are propagated vegetatively abiu will begin to produce fruit between 1-2 years after planting on the farm while the trees are propagated by seed just starting to bear fruit 2-4 years after planting.