Bauhinia purpurea

Bauhinia purpurea is a type of ornamental plants that originated from Asia. The tree is so named Horse Site is probably because the leaves that seemed to hoof.
Bauhinia purpurea is a type of ornamental plants that originated from Asia. The tree is so named Horse Site is probably because the leaves that seemed to hoof. Abroad this tree called the tree and Purple Butterfly orchid tree. This species has several varieties of flower color blue, and pink.

From a reference book, the flowers of this plant can be cooked stew / curry and can also be pickled. Additionally, hoof flowers can also be boiled or soaked in boiling water and drunk for bowels. The extent to which the use of these flowers in cooking / minimum I not sure. Never was I heard some people eat this spring. Maybe one day I'll give it a try!! Or you can try first.

The tree can be propagated and planted by using seeds or method tut. This tree was abundant in the park in the park and in residential areas. Recalled during childhood past, girls love picking the flower buds of this tree to be like lipstick.