Glam or scientific name Melaleuca cajuputi is one species in the family Myrtaceae. Tree is medium sized, has a height of 24m and leaves 5-12 cm. Hairy leaves and flower is small youth. The tree is easily identified by a simple condition chap stick and peeled. This tree usually live in swampy areas or on the edge of the beach. Normally this tree be used in making furniture and so on. In some states like Malacca, these trees are planted along the road that serves as the shading.
In terms of traditional nutrients, paperbarks believed to treat typhoid fever, measles and high fever. Method of use is 7 paperbarks Fruit stalk and tree stand for children 7 boiled until boiling. Then drink 3 times a day before meals. The extent to which this practice I do not sure. In addition, it can also act as a worm medicine. Method of use is 14 paperbarks leaves mixed with fragrant pandan leaves and some other types of leaves. Boil the mixture until it boils. It can be taken three times a day before meals.
Many studies conducted on this paperbarks. Among them are, honey obtained from this tree is said to be more nutritious than other trees.